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创建时间:  2011-11-23  樊杰   浏览次数:   返回


国际社会学会社会分层与流动研究委员会(ISA-RC28)2012年春季会议将于2012年5月10号至于13号在香港中文大学召开.会议由香港科技大学应用社会经济研究中心和香港中文大学社会学系共同组织. 这是RC28会议继2008年在北京年会后,又一次在中国举行, 也是其40多年的历史上第二步次在亚洲举办年会. 会议的主题是,"比较视野中的经济转型与社会分层." 欢迎国内学者踊跃参加.


Call for Paper

The Spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) will be held in at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, from May 10-13, 2012.

We cordially invite paper submissions for the RC28 meeting on topics relevant to social stratification and mobility (e.g., education, family, gender, labor market, income, social exclusion, elites, migration, race & ethnicity). Paper relevant to main theme of the conference, Economic Transformation and Social Stratification in Comparative Perspectives, will be particularly welcome.

All paper presenters should submit an application consisting of: a) a short abstract (150 words) and b) either an extended abstract (2-4 pages) or a full paper. Extended abstracts must be sufficiently detailed to allow the session organizer to judge the merits of the paper, including a description of the topic to be studied, the theoretical focus, the data and research methods, and the expected findings.

December 18 (Hong Kong Time), 2011 Deadline for submitting an application

January 20 (Hong Kong Time), 2012 Result notification

Travel Awards

RC28 offers travel awards to assist students and members in special need to present their work at the Conference. Travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification. In order to be eligible for a travel award, the applicant must be the sole author or the first author of the paper and the full paper must be submitted to and accepted by the conference committee. As a rule, travel awards are given only once in a four-year period to the same person.

To apply, please send your full paper, an itemized budget, and two letters of recommendation to two parties simultaneously:

• Organizers of the 2012 Spring Meeting


• Secretary/Treasurer of RC28: Richard Arum


January 27, 20112 (Friday) Deadline for applying for a travel award

February 10, 2012 (Friday) Notification of results

For more information, visithttp://rc28.ust.hk

上一条:英文SSCI杂志《中国社会学评论》(Chinese Sociological Review)征文

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创建时间:  2011-11-23  樊杰   浏览次数:   返回


国际社会学会社会分层与流动研究委员会(ISA-RC28)2012年春季会议将于2012年5月10号至于13号在香港中文大学召开.会议由香港科技大学应用社会经济研究中心和香港中文大学社会学系共同组织. 这是RC28会议继2008年在北京年会后,又一次在中国举行, 也是其40多年的历史上第二步次在亚洲举办年会. 会议的主题是,"比较视野中的经济转型与社会分层." 欢迎国内学者踊跃参加.


Call for Paper

The Spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) will be held in at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, from May 10-13, 2012.

We cordially invite paper submissions for the RC28 meeting on topics relevant to social stratification and mobility (e.g., education, family, gender, labor market, income, social exclusion, elites, migration, race & ethnicity). Paper relevant to main theme of the conference, Economic Transformation and Social Stratification in Comparative Perspectives, will be particularly welcome.

All paper presenters should submit an application consisting of: a) a short abstract (150 words) and b) either an extended abstract (2-4 pages) or a full paper. Extended abstracts must be sufficiently detailed to allow the session organizer to judge the merits of the paper, including a description of the topic to be studied, the theoretical focus, the data and research methods, and the expected findings.

December 18 (Hong Kong Time), 2011 Deadline for submitting an application

January 20 (Hong Kong Time), 2012 Result notification

Travel Awards

RC28 offers travel awards to assist students and members in special need to present their work at the Conference. Travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification. In order to be eligible for a travel award, the applicant must be the sole author or the first author of the paper and the full paper must be submitted to and accepted by the conference committee. As a rule, travel awards are given only once in a four-year period to the same person.

To apply, please send your full paper, an itemized budget, and two letters of recommendation to two parties simultaneously:

• Organizers of the 2012 Spring Meeting


• Secretary/Treasurer of RC28: Richard Arum


January 27, 20112 (Friday) Deadline for applying for a travel award

February 10, 2012 (Friday) Notification of results

For more information, visithttp://rc28.ust.hk

上一条:英文SSCI杂志《中国社会学评论》(Chinese Sociological Review)征文