2023年第8讲总第759讲 (ADRI Seminar Series 2023)
题目:The Whole-of-Society Approach: The Immigration Integration in Yiwu, China in a Multi-Level Governance Perspective (具有中国特色的全社会移民管理:从多层级治理框架审视浙江义乌的移民融合实践)
主讲人:Dr. Tianlong You, Associate Professor of Sociology at the School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University, Ph.D. in Socioogy of Law from Arizona State University, J.D. from Hofstra University. His interests include international migration, study of Chinese Overseas, border studies, platform economy, rural e-commerce. He received degrees in political science, law, anthropology, and sociology during the years in the United States, served as judicial intern for the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, worked as associate editor and executive articles editors for two law journals, and volunteered for the Arizona chapter of ACLU as community legal advocate. Recently, he guest edited a special issue on China's borderlands for China Information, a top China studies journal.
游天龙,云南大学民族学与社会学学院社会学系副教授,美国亚利桑那州立大学法律社会学博士,霍夫斯塔大学法律博士,研究兴趣包括国际移民、华侨华人、边境研究、农村电商、平台经济,在中英文权威刊物发表论文多篇。留美期间先后攻读政治、法律、人类、社会学学位。曾在美国联邦地区法院担任实习法官书记员,在两个美国法律期刊编辑部先后担任副编辑和执行论文主编,并在ACLU亚利桑那分部担任社区法律倡议人,在China Information担任边境研究专刊客座编辑。
内容简介:This article contributes to the debate on the “local governance turn” by considering a recent immigration context in an emergent destination: Yiwu, China, a county-level city which is home to tens of thousands of immigrants. We investigate how a smaller-sized county government strikes a balance between drawing at foreign businesspersons, as well as an even larger-sized domestic Muslim population, for economic development, and preventing security threats by implementing “a whole-of-society approach”. This approach, though in resemblance to the multi-level governance (MLG) which is increasingly adopted in the field of migration policy in European states, has its unique Chinese characteristics. It finds that, at the county level, government agencies of Yiwu proactively reach out to foreigners through creative and high-tech measures. It also finds out that besides the county-level institutional innovations, the police bureau remains heavily dependent on the traditional and intensive management at the neighborhood level. Non-public actors, such as businesspersons, along with their own chambers of commerce, play vital roles in this management system through close collaboration with the public sector.