题目:The Impact of Longevity on Fertility Decisions(长寿对生育决策的影响)
主讲人:Pro. Zhen Zhang, Ph.D in Demography, Director of Institute of Population Studies, Fudan University. His research expertise and interest include survival and longevity, population aging, formal demography, social demography. Zhen's recent research includes how the abnormally high sex ratio at birth accelerates population aging in China and other affected countries. His earlier publications include Population Health Transition in China: Achievements in the Co-evolution of Health Governance and Health Strategies, Population Aging Caused by a Rise in the Sex Ratio at Birth, The Ratio of Expansion to Compression: A New Measure of Lifespan Disparity, Impact of Demographic Uncertainty on Population Projection and Policy-making: The Case of China. Zhen received Ph.D in Demography at Peking University. Before moving to Fudan University in 2013, Zhen held a position as Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.
内容简介:Increased longevity not only gives us more time, it also lengthens the period of return on our investments. Our early investments in education, health care and skills development have the advantage of a longer payback period. As lifespan disparity decrease, the expectation of sustained returns over time becomes more predictable and stable. Strategies with fewer children have a higher resilience and a stronger survival advantage than having more children. Due to the principle of compound interest, investment returns are likely to grow exponentially, which means that gaps due to underinvestment in human capital in earlier years are also likely to grow exponentially. As life expectancy increases, these cumulative lifetime financial setbacks can become considerable. From an evolutionary game theory perspective, the proportion of people adopting the first strategy increases over time across the population, and the fertility rate of the population declines. Thus, increased longevity greatly increases the cumulative cost of the investment in reproductive time, which in turn depresses fertility.