题目:Emergent Mobilities: Refractions from Rural China(重塑流动性:基于民族志的中国农村社会考察)
主讲人:Ellen R. Judd, Distinguished Professor, Emerita Department of Anthropology University of Manitoba, Canada. Research Fields: The ethnography of rural and migrant China; kinship, relatedness and gender; practices of care, cooperation and conflict; inequality and mutuality; cultural production; social movements and transformation; agrarian social organization; mobility.
Ellen R. Judd(中文名:朱爱岚),加拿大社会文化人类学家,现任加拿大马尼托巴大学人类学教授。朱爱岚在加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位并在剑桥大学做博士后研究之前,于1974-1977年间曾在北京语言学院、复旦大学和北京大学就读,后在加拿大多所大学任教。1986-1995年她在山东省进行田野研究,并据此撰写了两部著作和若干论文。两部著作分别是斯坦福大学1994年推出的《中国北方村落的社会性别与权力》和2002年出版的《处于国家与市场之间的中国妇女运动》。她还主编过《中国改革时代的农村妇女》(《中国人类学和社会学》杂志1999年专刊)。基于田野考察和文献资料,她还就中国南方各地(主要是上海、湖南和福建)戏剧中的文化生产问题做过研究。她目前正致力于中国西部农村流动、社会性别、社区结构与妇女网络的田野调查研究。
内容简介:How might we reimagine mobility as our world is transformed by migration arising from and interacting with multiplicities of profound change? How is sociality being reconceptualized and recreated in scales ranging from the global and national to the immediacies of community and family? This paper will depart from a methodological metaphor of refraction to explore what anthropology and ethnography in particular can offer to address these issues. The approach taken, drawing upon practice theory, will examine the dynamics through which structures of sociality are continuously and creatively remade and articulated in everyday life and its conceptualization through an economy of logic. It will do so through specific reference to ethnographic research conducted in three rural sending and two metropolitan receiving communities in south China. Particular illustrative attention will be given to gendered mobility and to family models, strategies and innovations. The contemporary experience of China through three decades of massive peacetime migration is of unique interest in what it offers toward engaging global processes, and toward comparative and theoretical exploration of fundamental properties of human mobility and sociality.