上海大学社会学院系列讲座 2015年第42讲总第401讲
主持人:计迎春 教授
时间:2015年11月19日(周四) 10:00—11:30
Abstract : Rapid urban expansion has radically transformed urban landscape of Chinese cities recently. It is believed that mainland Chinese cities have rapidly suburbanized. Schools, exerting an important influence on residential location decisions and the demand for area housing, are one of the most ubiquitous institutions shaping city and regional ecology, policy, and everyday experience. This study inquired how Shanghai is suburbanized by investigating urban form of all elementary schools of Shanghai. This study measured land use, street network, and density within four buffers (100m, 200m, 400m, and 800m) of more than 700 elementary schools in Shanghai. Spatial and multivariate regression models were applied to examine the changes of urban form of school neighborhoods in Shanghai.
时间:2015年11月19日(周四) 13:30—15:00
地点:校本部E512 下午为师生们演示如何用GIS技术进行健康方面的研究。这次学术活动将促进我院师生与华东师范大学的学术交流,并使得大家了解和学习到如何使用空间技术进行健康研究。从而拓宽我们的学术研究视野和领域,促进跨学科研究的发展。
信息发布:http://www.sei.shu.edu.cn/ 上海高校社会学E-研究院网站
中国.上海.上大路99号B419 邮编: 200444 B419.(Shanghai University),99 Shangda Rd., Shanghai, P. R. China, 200444
联系人:徐芬芳联系电话:021-66135205 电子邮件:xufenfang2008@163.com
上海大学社会学院 School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University