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《中国社会科学报》(英文版)| 武洹宇等《海外中国观与文化主体性叙事的交互建构——以丁龙捐赠事件的传奇化过程为例》

创建时间:  2024-08-26     浏览次数:   返回


How can China, while learning from other civilizations, adhere to its own cultural subjectivity and actively participate in the construction of global civilization? Existing research highlights the importance of “cultural awareness” theories, which call for both introspection and communication. Scholars note that “communication is realized through cultural interpretation,” highlighting the crucial role intellectuals play in cultural interpretation. However, a gap in specialized research of cultural patterns and their symbolic interactions persists, particularly in terms of specific social events and cultural contexts……


下一条:解放日报 | 面对复杂世界,应该尝试预测一切 ——专访上海大学社会学院亚洲人口研究中心教授塞弥尔

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《中国社会科学报》(英文版)| 武洹宇等《海外中国观与文化主体性叙事的交互建构——以丁龙捐赠事件的传奇化过程为例》

创建时间:  2024-08-26     浏览次数:   返回


How can China, while learning from other civilizations, adhere to its own cultural subjectivity and actively participate in the construction of global civilization? Existing research highlights the importance of “cultural awareness” theories, which call for both introspection and communication. Scholars note that “communication is realized through cultural interpretation,” highlighting the crucial role intellectuals play in cultural interpretation. However, a gap in specialized research of cultural patterns and their symbolic interactions persists, particularly in terms of specific social events and cultural contexts……


下一条:解放日报 | 面对复杂世界,应该尝试预测一切 ——专访上海大学社会学院亚洲人口研究中心教授塞弥尔