2003.10-2008.7,德国不莱梅大学社会科学研究院 政治与经济学博士(Dr. rel. pol.)
1. Hao Yuan. 2013. "Structural social capital and life satisfaction in three regions of China".Journal of Happiness Studies(SSCI), (Accepted).
2. Hao Yuan & Mayank Golpelwar. 2013. "Testing Subjective well-being from the perspective of social quality: quantile regression evidence from Shanghai, China",Social Indicators Research(SSCI), Volume 113, Issue 1, pp 257-276.
3. Hao Yuan & Mayank Golpelwar. 2012. Does Social Quality relate to Subjective Well Being in Shanghai? An analysis of economic and social structural factors.Development and Society, Vol. 41 No.1, pp. 31-53.
4. Yuan Hao. 2011. "Socioeconomic Status, Age and Mental Health: An Empirical Study in Shanghai",Chinese Journal of Sociology, Vol. 31, No. 1.
5. Hao Yuan & Mayank Golpelwar. 2009. "How Research Sees Subjective Well-Being across Cultures: A Systematic Review". Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, Vol3, No.1/2, 1-38.
6. Hilke Brockmann, Jan Delhey, Christian Welzel and Hao Yuan. 2009. "The China Puzzle: Falling Happiness in a Rising Economy",Journal of Happiness Studies(SSCI), vol. 10 (4): 387-405.
7. 袁浩:"疯狂的转型:纳粹在德国兴起的社会学思考",《社会》,2009年第1期。(《中国社会科学文摘》全文转载)
1. 2011年教育部"留学归国人员科研启动基金",中小企业的社会网络研究。
2. 2010上海市浦江人才计划项目:社会支持网络与心理健康的动态交互模型研究:以上海白领移民群体为例。
3. 2009年国家社科基金青年项目:金融危机背景下中等收入群体的生活方式与价值取向研究,(09CSH019)。