2008-2016纽约州立大学奥本尼分校 社会学 博士
2010-2012纽约州立大学奥本尼分校 生物统计学 硕士
2002-2006 山东财经大学 社会工作 学士
研究方向:人口社会学、人口迁移、 城市化、 定量研究方法
Zhen Li*, Yu Zhu, and Yingji Wu. 2023. Migrant Optimism in Educational Aspirations for Children in Big Cities in China: A Case Study of Native, Permanent Migrant and Temporary Migrant Parents in Shanghai. Population Research and Policy Review, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11113-023-09845-4.
李贞*,2023, 流动人口居留意愿多元影响因素及其作用机制,《北方民族大学学报》,第1期,121-127.
Zhen Li*. 2022. Co-Ethnic Networks and Inter-Provincial Migration Destination Choice of Ethnic Minority Migrants in China. Asian Population Studies, 18(3): 213-238.
Zhen Li*. 2021. Ethnic Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes among Migrant Populations in China: A Study of Thirteen Minority Groups and the Han. Chinese Sociological Review 53(3), 285-311.
Wu, Jinjing, Jia Chen, Zhen Li, Boshen Jiao, and Peter Muennig. 2020. Spatiotemporal Variation of the Association between Urbanicity and Incident Hypertension among Chinese Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (1): 304.
Zai Liang, Jiejin Li, Glenn Deane, Zhen Li, Bo Zhou. 2018. From Chinatown to Every Town: New Patterns of Employment for Low-Skilled Chinese Immigrants in the United States. Social Forces 97(2): 893-920. (ASA Louis Wirth Best Article Award)
Liang, Zai, Zhen Li* and Morrooka Hideki. 2017. Differential Effects of Migration Networks: The Case of China. Chinese Journal of Sociology 3(3): 354-378.
Li, Zhen* and Zai Liang. 2016. Gender and Job Mobility Among Migrants in the Pearl River Delta in China. Urban Studies 53(16): 3455-3471.
Liang, Zai, Zhen Li and Zhongdong Ma. 2014. Changing Patterns of the Floating Population in China, 2000-2010. Population and Development Review 40(4): 695-716.
Li, Zhen and Zai Liang. 2012. “Job Mobility of Rural Migrants in China’s Urban Labor Market: The Case of the Pearl River Delta Region.” Pp. 3-24 in Zai Liang, Steven F. Messner, Cheng Chen and Youqin Huang (editors). The Emergence of a New Urban China: Insiders’ Perspectives. Lexington Books.
2018.09- 项目负责人,区域协调发展战略下农民工迁移轨迹的动态分化及其人口再分布效应研究,国家社科基金青年项目。(在研)