蒋耒文教授,男,1966年生,北京大学社会学系本科、硕士,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学环境学(人口学)博士,德国马普科学院人口所博士后。现任上海大学社会学院教授、亚洲人口研究中心主任、人口研究所所长,美国人口理事会资深研究员和项目顾问。曾先后任北京大学人口学所副教授、美国布朗大学助理教授、美国国际人口行动机构首席人口学家、美国国家大气研究中心科学家,以及国际应用系统分析研究学会(IIASA)客座研究员。曾担任联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第五次评估报告主要作者、及IPCC奖励基金项目技术委员会主席、国际人口科学联盟(IUSSP)气候变化科学专家委员会委员。现兼任联合国可持续发展目标专家委员会委员、纽约市气候变化专家委员会委员、亚洲人口学会理事等。蒋耒文教授致力于环境变化的社会维度的研究,改进环境和气候变化分析中人口因素的方法论,并将人口学方法和模型工具应用于社会经济、环境及气候变化发展路径的研究。他的研究还主要涉及人口家庭户结构、能源消费模式变动,以及城市化、人口迁移流动的社会生态影响等。在Science, PNAS, Lancet, Nature子刊等学术期刊发表论文70余篇。
2019年10月-,美国人口理事会(Population Council)资深研究员、人口-环境风险-气候变化项目顾问
Population, Environment, and Climate Change
Frontier for Demographic Research
1. Jiang, L. B.C. O’Neill, H. Zoraghein, S. Dahlke, 2020. Population Scenarios for US state consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (19) 094097.
2. O’Neill, B.C., L. Jiang, S. KC, R. Fuchs, S. Pauchauri, E. Laidlaw, T. Zhang, W. Zhou, X. Ren. 2020. The effect of education on determinants of climate change risks. Nature Sustainability 3 520-528.
3. Abdelwahed, A., A. Goujon, L. Jiang, 2020. The migration intentions of young Egyptians. Sustainability 12 (23) 9803; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12239803.
4. Striessnig, E., J. Gao, B. O’Neill, L. Jiang, 2019: Empirically based spatial projections of US population age structure consistent with the shared socioeconomic pathways. Environmental Research Letters 14 (11), 114038.
5. Jiang, L. and B. O’Neill, 2018: Determinants of urban growth during demographic and mobility transitions: evidence from India, Mexico, and the US. Population and Development Review, vol. 44 (2): 363-389.
6. K. Chen, AM Fiore, R. Chen, L. Jiang, B. Jones, A Schneider, A Peters, J. Bi, H. Kan, PL Kinney, 2018: Future ozone-related acute excess mortality under climate and population change scenarios in China: a modeling study. PLoS medicine vol. 15 (7): e1002598.
7. Jiang, L. and B.C. O’Neill, 2017: Global urbanization projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Global Environmental Changes 42 (2017): 193-199.
8. Riahi, K., DP Van Vuuren, E Kriegler, J Edmonds, BC O’neill, S Fujimori, N Bauer, K Calvin, R Dellink, O Fricko, W Lutz, A Popp, JC Cuaresma, KC Samir, M Leimbach, L Jiang, T Kram, S Rao, J Emmerling, K Ebi, T Hasegawa, P Havlik, F Humpenöder, LA Da Silva, S Smith, E Stehfest, V Bosetti, J Eom, D Gernaat, T Masui, J Rogelj, J Strefler, L Drouet, V Krey, G Luderer, M Harmsen, K Takahashi, L Baumstark, JC Doelman, M Kainuma, Z Klimont, G Marangoni, H Lotze-Campen, M Obersteiner, A Tabeau, M Tavoni. 2017: The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: an overview. Global Environmental Changes 42 (2017): 153-168.
9. K Chen, RM Horton, DA Bader, C Lesk, L Jiang, B Jones, L Zhou, X Chen, J Bi, PL Kinney, 2017: Impact of climate change on heat-related mortality in Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Pollution 224: 317-325.
10. Knorr, W., F. Dentener, JF Lamarque, L. Jiang, and A. Arneth, 2017. Wildfire air pollution hazard during the 21st century. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17(14): 9223-9236.
11. Knorr, W. A. Arneth, L. Jiang, 2016: Demographic controls of future global fire risks, Nature Climate Change 6:781-785.
12. Knorr, W., Jiang, L., and Arneth, A. 2016: Climate, CO2 and human population impacts on global wildfire emissions, Biogeosciences, 13:267-282, doi:10.5194/bg-13-267-2016.
13. Runfola D., Jiang L., Romero Lankao P., Hunter L., Nawrotzki R., Sanchez L., 2016: The influence of internal migration on exposure to extreme weather events in Mexico. Society & Natural Resources, 29(6) 750-754.
14. Knorr, W., Dentener, F., Hantson, S., Jiang, L., Klimont, Z., and Arneth, A. 2016: Air quality impacts of European wildfire emissions in a changing climate, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16 (9): 5685-5703.
15. Nawrotzki, Raphael, and L. Jiang, 2015: Indirectly Estimating International Net Migration Flows by Age and Gender: The Community Demographic Model International Migration (CDM-IM) Dataset. Historical Methods 48(3): 113-127.
16. Muttarak, R., W. Lutz, and L. Jiang 2016. What can demographers contribute to the study of vulnerability? Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. (2015)13: 1-13.
17. O'Neill B, Jiang L. Gerland P., 2015: Plausible reductions in future population growth and implications for the environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Vol. 112 (6), E506.
18. Jiang, L. 2014: Internal consistency of demographic assumptions in the shared socioeconomic pathways. Population and Environment. 35(3): 261-285.
19. Jiang, L. and Karen Hardee. 2014: Women’s education, family planning, or both? Application of multistate demographic projections in India. International Journal of Population Research, Volume 2014: 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/940509
20. Brian O’Neill, Brant Liddle, Leiwen Jiang, Kirk R. Smith, Shonali Pachauri, Michael Dalton, Regina Fuchs. 2012: Demographic change and emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, Lancet. 380 (9837): 157-164.
21. W. Lutz, W. Butz, M. Castro, P. Dasgupta, P. Demeny, I. Ehrlich, S. Giorguli, D. Habte, W. Haug, A. Hayes, M. Herrmann, L. Jiang, D. King, D. Kotte, M. Lees, P. Makinwa-Adebusoye, G. McGranahan, V. Mishra, M. Montgomery, K. Riahi, S. Scherbov, X. peng, B. Yeoh, 2012: Demography’s role in sustainable development, Science 335 (670): 918.
22. Krey, V., O’Neill, B.C., van Ruijven, B., Chaturvedi, V., Daioglou, V., Eom, J., Jiang, L., Nagai, Y., Pachauri, S., Ren, X., 2012: Urban and rural energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in Asia. Energy Economics, 34 (Supplement 3): S272-83.
23. O’Neill, B.C., Ren, X., Jiang, L., and M.G. Dalton. 2012. The effect of urbanization on energy use in India and China in the iPETS model. Energy Economics, 34 (Supplement 3): 339-45.
24. Jiang, Leiwen and Karen Hardee, 2011: How do recent population trends matter to climate change, Population Research and Policy Review, 30(2): 287-312.
25. Orenstein, Daniel, Leiwen Jiang, and Steve Hamburg, 2011: An elephant in the planning room: political-demography and its influence on sustainable land use planning in drylands, Journal of Arid Environments, 75(6): 596-611.
26. O’Neill, Brian, M. Dalton, R. Fuchs, L. Jiang, S. Pachauri, and K. Zigova, 2010: Global demographic trends and future carbon emissions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 107(41):17521-17526.
27. Jiang, Leiwen, 2010: The impacts of demographic dynamics on climate change, Population Research (in Chinese), 34(1): 59-69.
28. Huang, Youqian and Leiwen Jiang, 2009: Housing inequality in transitional Beijing, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(4):936-956.
29. Pachauri, Shonali and Leiwen Jiang, 2008: The household energy transition in India and China, Energy Policy, 36(11): 4022-4035.
30. Dalton, Michael, Brian O’Neill, Alexia Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, Leiwen Jiang, and John Pitkin, 2008: Population Aging and Future Carbon Emissions in the United States, Energy Economics, 30(2): 642-675.
31. Jiang, L., Malea Hoepf, and Karen Hardee, 2008: Population, urbanization and the environment, World Watch, 21(5): 34-39.
32. Zeng, Yi, Zhenglian Wang, Leiwen Jiang, and Danan Gu, 2008: Projection of Family Households and Elderly Living Arrangement in the Context of Rapid Population Aging in China – A Demographic Window of Opportunity until 2030 and Serious Challenges thereafter, Genus, LXIV, No. 1-2: 9-36.
33. Sherbinin, A. de, D. Carr, S. Cassels and Leiwen Jiang, 2007: Population and Environment, Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 32 (5): 1-29.
34. Jiang, Leiwen and Brian O’Neill, 2007: Impact of demographic trend on US household size and structure, Population and Development Review, 33 (3): 429-656.
35. Huang, Qian, Zhao Zhijie, and Leiwen Jiang, 2006: Analysis of land use/cover change processes in the reclamation area in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Arid Land Geography, 29(6): 894-901.
36. Jiang, Leiwen, 2006: Living condition of floating population in urban China, Housing Studies, Vol. 21, No. 5, 719–744.
37. Jiang, Leiwen, Tong Yufen, Zhao Zhijie, Li Tianhong, Liao Jianhua, 2005: Water resources, land exploitation and population dynamics in arid areas – the case of Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang of China, Population and Environment, 26(5):471-503.
38. Jiang, Leiwen, Pang Lihua and Zhang Zhiming, 2005: Slum expansion and floating population in urban China, Population Research (in Chinese), 29 (4): 16-27.
39. Jiang, Leiwen and Ren Qiang, 2005: Projection of households and housing demand in China, Market and Demographic Analysis (in Chinese), 11(2):20-29.
40. Jiang, Leiwen and Brian O’Neill, 2004: Energy transition in rural China, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 21(1/2): 2-26.
41. Prskawetz, Alexia, Leiwen Jiang, and Brian C. O'Neill. 2004. Demographic composition and projections of car use in Austria, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2004, p. 274-326.
42. Wang, Haitao, Ren Qiang and Leiwen Jiang, 2004: Socio-demographic analysis of housing privatization in the large cities of China, Market and Demographic Analysis (in Chinese), 10(2): 56-62.
43. Jiang, Leiwen and Brian O’Neill, 2004: Towards a new model for probabilistic household forecasts, International Statistical Review, 72(1): 51-64.
44. Lu, Jiehua, Wang Guangzhou, Li Jianxin, Cai Wenmei, Leiwen Jiang, and Ni Hai-er, 2003: An empirical study of the effects of the change in population, consumption and technology on marine fishery and aquatic products – a case study in Zhoushan Fishery, Zhejiang Province, Population and Economics (in Chinese), 138: 1-7.
45. Jiang, Leiwen, 2002: On the linkage between Population Sciences and Remote Science, Marketing and Demographic Analysis (in Chinese), 8(4): 25-32
46. Jiang, Leiwen, 2002: The “European Second Demographic Transition” and population change in China, Population Research (in Chinese), 26(3): 45-49.
47. Lu, Jiehua, Cai Wenmei, Li Jianxin, Wang Guangzhou, and Leiwen Jiang, 2002: The Establishment of the Simulating Model of Population and Marine Fishery Resource System in China, Population and Economics (in Chinese), 132: 3-9.
48. Jiang, Leiwen and A. Kuijsten, 2001: Regional disparities of urbanization levels in China, Chinese Journal of Population Sciences (in Chinese), No. 1, p. 45-51.
49. Jiang, Leiwen and A. Kuijsten, 2001: Effects of population and household changes on environment: theories, models, and application, Population Research (in Chinese), 25(1): 47-55. Jiang, Leiwen and A. Kuijsten, 2001: Theories, methodology and practice of household projection for small areas, Population and Economics (in Chinese), 128: 33-42.
50. Jiang, Leiwen, 2001: Study on the differences in individual fertility of the Chinese oldest old, Special Issue of Chinese Journal of Population Sciences (in Chinese), October, p. 27-31.
51. Jiang, Leiwen, 2000: Demographic analysis on regional environmental protection, Marketing and Demographic Analysis (in Chinese), 6(4): 36-41.
52. Zeng, Yi and Leiwen Jiang, 1999: Does Rapid Economic Growth Accompanied by Massive Migration Necessarily Result in Severe Environmental Pollution?" Current Politics and Economics of China, 3 (3): 427-445.
53. Jiang, Leiwen, 1996: Round up on the International Seminar on Population and Sustainable Development, Chinese Journal on Population Sciences (in Chinese), no. 1, p. 51-58.
54. Jiang, Leiwen, 1994: Macau impression, Sociology and Social Survey (in Chinese), no. 4, p. 72-76.
55. Jiang, Leiwen and Li Jianxin, 1994: Impacts of migration on rural communities, Sociology and Social Survey (in Chinese), no. 5, p. 9-12.
56. Zheng, Xiaoying, Leiwen Jiang, and Zheng Zhenzhen, 1994: The current condition and trends of contraceptive continuity in China, Population Research (in Chinese), 18(4):16-22.
57. Jiang, Leiwen, 1993: Applied demography and social development, Population (in Chinese), no. 4, p. 25-29.
58. Jiang, Leiwen, 1993: Roundup on the national symposium on in-depth analysis of China 4th Census and demographic statistical skills, Population News (in Chinese), no. 1, p. 55-61.
59. Jiang, Leiwen, Liu Yi and Dong Liguo, 1993: A Study of women’s marriage, fertility and family life in Hunan Province, Southern Population (in Chinese), no. 3, p. 37
60. Cai, Wenmei and Leiwen Jiang, 1993: Political participation of Chinese women, Women Studies (in Chinese), 19(4): 26-27.
61. Zheng, Xiaoying, Leiwen Jiang and Han Yonghua, 1993: Impacts of induced abortion on women’s psychology and choices and conversions of contraceptive methods, China Journal of Family Planning (in Chinese), 4:206-207.
62. Jiang, Leiwen, 1993: Summary on symposium of in-depth analysis and demographic statistical skills, Chinese Journal on Population Science (in Chinese), no. 4, p. 53-57.
63. Jiang Leiwen, 1993: Demographics and community management and social development, Population (in Chinese), no. 12.
64. Jiang Leiwen, 1992: Social mobility of China urban population, in China Reform and Ten-Year of Sociology, Supplement volume of Sociology and Social Survey (in Chinese), p. 72-80.
65. Jiang, Leiwen, Duan Hongyu, Liu Jinglei, Li Guangjian and Ling Yonghong, 1991: Comparative study on occupational prestige between Beijing and Guangzhou, Sociology and Social Survey (in Chinese), no. 5, p. 34-42.
1. Agrawala, S., Klasen, S., Acosta Moreno, R., Barreto, L., Cottier, T., Guan, D., GutierrezEspeleta, E., Gámez Vázquez, A., Jiang, L., Kim, Y., Lewis, J., Messouli, M., Rauscher, M., Uddin, N., & Venables, A. 2014: Regional Development and Cooperation. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Farahani, E., Kadner, S., Seyboth, K., Adler, A., Baum, I., Brunner, S., Eickemeier, P., Kriemann, B., Savolainen, J., Schlömer, S., von Stechow, C., Zwickel, T., & Minx, J. (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA
2. Zeng, Yi, Leiwen Jiang, Zhenglian Wang and Danan Gu, 2010: Chinese family and living arrangement for the elderly, in Zeng, Yi (ed.), Research on Elderly Population, Family, Health and Care Needs/Costs. Beijing: Science Press, p. 220-230 (in Chinese).
3. Jiang, Leiwen, Tong Yufen, Zhao Zhijie, Li Tianhong, Han Wei, 2009: Impacts of Population Migration on Land Degradation in Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang of China, in ABE Ken-ichi (ed.), Impacts on the Good Earth, Tokyo: Tokyo University Press.
4. Jiang, Leiwen, 2002: Population, Development and Environment, in I. Attane (ed.): China in Transition: Population and Society Issues, Paris: INED, p. 545-562 (in French).
5. Zhao Shidong, Zeng Yi, Bai Wangqi, Qi Wenhu, Liu Guiping, Zhang Taolin, Qin Mingzhou, and Leiwen Jiang, 2001: Population, Consumption, and Land Use in the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong Province, in Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, U.S. National Academy of Science, Growing Population, Changing Landscapes, Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, p. 178-205.
6. Zhao Shidong, Lu Jiehua, Zeng Yi, Qi Wenhu, Liang Zhiwu, Zhang Taolin, Liu Guiping, Qin Mingzhou, Leiwen Jiang, 2001: Population, Consumption, and Land Use in the Jitai Basin Region, Jiangxi Province, in Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, U.S. National Academy of Science, Growing Population, Changing Landscapes, Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, p.206-230.
7. Jiang, Leiwen, 1999: Population and Sustainable Development in China – Population and Household Scenarios for Two Regions, Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.
8. Jiang, Leiwen, 1995: Regional Family Projection in China, PDOD (PDOD-Paper) No. 32, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
9. Cai Wenmei, Song Yuhua, Leiwen Jiang, 1995: The Chapter of China, in Jordan I. Kosbrg (ed.), International Handbook on Services for the Elderly, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn.
1. Johansen, I. C., R. Luiz do Carmo, E. K. Laidlaw, and L. Jiang, 2019: An update of Brazilian household-level income and consumption patterns as an input to the iPETS model. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-549+STR, 42 pp, doi:10.5065/D6S181BB.
2. Jiang, L. Zoraghein, H., O’Neill, BC, 2018: Population projections for US states under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways based on global gridded population projections. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-542+STR, 49 pp. DOI: 10.5065/D6930RXZ.
3. Laidlaw, E.K., Jiang, L., 2018. An update of Indonesian household-level income and consumption patterns as an input to the iPETS model. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-543+STR, 46 pp. DOI: 10.5065/D6NV9H2Z.
4. Nawrotzki, R., and L. Jiang, 2014: Community Demographic Model International Migration (CDM-IM) Dataset: Generating Age and Gender Profiles of International Migration Flows. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-508+STR, 41 pp, DOI: 10.5065/D6NS0RV2.
5. Jiang, Leiwen and B.C. O'Neill. 2009. Household projections for rural and urban areas of major regions of the world. IIASA Interim Report IR-09-026. Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA.
6. Zigova, K, Fuchs, R, Jiang, L, O’Neill, BC, Pachauri, S. 2009. Household survey data used in calibrating the Population-Environment-Technology model. Interim Report IR-09-046. Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA.
7. Jiang, Leiwen, 2008: Zhongwei Zhao and Fei Guo (eds.): Transition and Challenge: China’s Population at the Beginning of the 21st Century. European Journal of Population, 24:453-454.
8. Brian O’Neill and Leiwen Jiang, 2007: Project US household changes with a new household model, International Institute for Applied System Dynamics Analysis, IIASA Interim Report, IR-07-012, Laxenurg, Austria.
9. Dalton M., Jiang L., Pachauri S., and O’Neill B.C., 2007: Demographic change and future carbon emissions in China and India. Presented at Population Association of America annual meeting, March 29-31, New York.
10. Jiang, Leiwen and Ren Qiang, 2005: Studies on population and household dynamics and housing changes in China, in Selected Papers of Scientific Studies on China’s Fifth Census, China Statistical Press (in Chinese).
11. Jiang, Leiwen, Anton Kuijsten, 2003: Urbanisation and temporary population in China, in Thierry Eggerickx, Catherine Gourbin, Bruno Schoumaker, Christophe Vandeschrick et Eric Vilquin (eds.), Chaire Quetelet 1999: Populations et Defis Urbains, Belgium: Ed. Academia-Bruylant, p. 165-192 (in French).
12. Jiang, Leiwen, 2002: New perspective on population and sustainable development, China Population Newspaper, May 15 (in Chinese).
13. Jiang, Leiwen, 2000: Socio-Demographic Changes and Deforestation and Forest Regrowth in Indiana, Bloomington: Publication CSFF-1, CIPEC, Indiana University.
14. Zheng Xiaoying, Leiwen Jiang, and Zheng Zhenzhen (eds.), 1996: Study on the Problems and Development of Chinese Women Population, Peking University Press (in Chinese).
15. Jiang, Leiwen, 1996: Demographics on social development and local administration, in Wu Zhong and Zeng Yi (eds.), Demographic Studies and Market Economy, Peking University Press, p. 65-72 (in Chinese).
16. Zeng Yi and Leiwen Jiang, 1996: On population growth and land use, in Proceedings of International Symposium “Resources, Environment, and Sustainable Development in Northeast Asia and Its Adjacent Regions”, Shenyang, August 7-10, p. 225-227.
17. Jiang, Leiwen, 1996: What do we know about social-cultural research and population policy formulation in China, in Final Report of Asian Regional Director Meeting for Project (UNESCO) “Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Demographic Behavior and Implications for the Formulation and Execution of Population Policies and Programmes”, Bangkok, Thailand, March 15-23, p.4-5.
18. Jiang, Leiwen, 1995: Study on marriage and family in Guangdong Province, in Rufino Ramos, Duan Dayuan, John E. M. Barnes, Huang Hanqiang (eds.), Population and Development in Macao, University of Macao Press, p. 149-169.
19. Jiang, Leiwen, 1993: Seminar on the prevention and control of STDs, China Population Today, No. 3, p. 19-20.
20. Cai Wenmei and Leiwen Jiang, 1992: Family planning policy and women reproductive health, Proceedings on International Conference on China Women Studies, Peking University Press, p. 48-52 (in Chinese).
21. Jiang, Leiwen, Song Dong and Zhu Youhong, 1992: Psychology of Job Searching, China Science and Technology University Press (in Chinese).
22. Tu, Ping, Leiwen Jiang and Zeng Yi (eds.), 1992: China Population Situation in 1990 – In-Depth Analysis on Statistics from National Census, Beijing: Ministry of Education and China Population Association (in Chinese).
23. Jiang, Leiwen, 1992: Chapter 3, Industrial Structure, in Yuan Fang (ed.), Labour Sociology, China Labour Publisher, p. 45-67 (in Chinese).
24. Jiang, Leiwen, 1992: Chapter 5, Occupation and Occupation Selection, in Yuan Fang (ed.), Labour Sociology, China Labour Publisher, p82-108 (in Chinese)
25. Jiang, Leiwen, 1992: Summary of Seminar on in-depth analysis of the Fourth Census Data, Newsletter of China Population Association, no. 3, p. 4-8 (in Chinese).