Chinese Journal of Sociology(简称:CJS),2015年3月创刊,季刊,是由上海大学主办、普林斯顿大学当代中国研究中心协办、SAGE出版发行的高水平国际化英文学术期刊,全程实行双向匿名评审。CJS创刊当年即被ProQuest数据库收录;2018年4月,被Scopus数据库收录,在General Social Science学科分类中一直保持在Q2区;2022年9月,被科睿唯安ESCI数据库收录,并于2023年6月获首个影响因子0.9,在社会学学科214本JCI期刊中位列Q3区;2023年1月,入选中国人文社会科学综合评价入库期刊。
The Chinese Journal of Sociology (CJS) is a peer-reviewed international journal that focuses on the field of sociology. Founded in 2015, it is published by SAGE Publications in association with the Shanghai University and Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China at Princeton University.
The journal aims to establish an academic platform for in-depth discussions on the issues facing contemporary Chinese society from sociological perspectives. It strives to promote international academic communication and enhance research collaboration between sociologists from diverse backgrounds and research traditions both within and outside of China. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to social equity, social stratification and mobility, social organization and governance, social welfare and policy, urbanization, immigration, and family.
By being indexed in major databases such as ESCI, Scopus, ProQuest, and AMI, the journal enjoys a wide readership and serves as a key forum for scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in cutting-edge sociological research and Chinese societies.