计迎春博士是一个家庭社会学家和社会人口学家。她先后毕业于南京大学、加拿大维多利亚大学和美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校社会学系,并在该校的北卡人口中心接受过五年的人口学训练。其后在北卡大学教堂山分校、新加坡国立大学亚洲研究院和上海大学社会学院从事研究、教学工作。目前为上海市高校东方学者特聘教授,中国社会学会家庭专业委员会副会长。她曾先后担任过Journal of Marriage and Family, Chinese Sociological Review和 China Review等期刊的客座主编。目前是国际华人社会学会理事, Social Science and Research和Oxford Development Studies编委会成员。
计博士立志于研究亚洲特别是中国的家庭、性别和人口问题。其主要研究取向强调非西方社会的制度和文化背景,通过对转型社会的家庭观念和行为的研究发展本土化的概念和理论。目前,除了实证研究之外,计博士主要致力于三个相互联系的研究领域的理论本土化:一是综合性别和发展的视角理解中国乃至东亚社会长期低迷的生育率(见2018年《中国社会科学》一文);二是探讨中国社会发展前后三十年的性别动态(见2017年Sex Roles 一文);三是讨论中国现代化进程中婚姻、家庭体系的再制度化问题(见2015年Journal of Marriage and Family,2017年Temporalités,以及2020年《二十一世纪》三文)。计博士希望在对中国的现代化道路进行深刻反思的基础上,从社会学、人口学和性别研究视角,理解中国情境,讲述中国故事,从而以中国本土视角撬动和丰富世界社科话语体系。
家庭社会学; 性别研究; 低生育率研究; 中国的现代性研究。
Ji, Yingchun. (2013). Negotiating marriage and schooling: Nepalese women’s transition to adulthood. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 646(1), 194-213.
Ji, Yingchun & Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean. (2014). Heterogeneity in contemporary Chinese marriage. Journal of Family Issues, 35(12), 1662-1682.
Ji, Yingchun. (2015). Asian families at the crossroads: A meeting of East, West, tradition, modernity and gender. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(5), 1031-1038.
Ji, Yingchun. (2015).Between tradition and modernity: "Leftover" women in Shanghai. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(5), 1057-1073.
Ji, Yingchun, Chen, Feinian, Cai, Yong, & Zheng, Zhenzhen. (2015). Do parents matter? Intergenerational ties and fertility intention in a low fertility context. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 1(4), 485–514.
Ji,Yingchun, Wu, Xiaogang, Sun, Shengwei, & He, Guangye. (2017).Unequal care, unequal work: Toward a more comprehensive understanding of gender inequality in post-reform urban China. Sex Roles, 77(11-12), 765-778. doi:10.1007/s11199-017-0751-1
Ji, Yingchun, (2017).A mosaic temporality: New dynamics of the gender and marriage system in contemporary urban China. Temporalités. Revue de sciences sociales et humaines, (26). doi:10.4000/temporalites.3773
Ji.Yingchun & Wu, Xiaogang. (2018).New gender dynamics in post-reform China: Family, education, and labor market. Chinese Sociological Review, 50(3), 231-239. doi:10.1080/21620555.2018.1452609
Su, Yihui, Ni, Anni, & Ji, Yingchun*. (2018). In the middle of separated yet overlapped two spheres: Rural nannies in Shanghai. Chinese Sociological Review, 50(3), 367-389. [*Corresponding author]
计迎春、郑真真. (2018).社会性别和发展视角下的中国低生育率. 《中国社会科学》,第8期,143-161.
计迎春.(2019).社会转型情境下的中国本土家庭理论构建初探.《妇女研究论丛》,第5期, 9-20.
Yingchun Ji, Huiguang Wang, Yue Liu, Ruonan Xu, and Zhenzhen Zheng.(2020).Young Women’s Fertility Intentions and the Emerging Bilateral Family System under China’s Two-Child Family Planning Policy. The China Review, 20(2), 113–141.
Jing Song and Yingchun Ji. (2020).Complexity of Chinese Family Life: Individualism, Familism, and Gender. The China Review, 20(2), 1–17.
计迎春. (2020).马赛克家庭主义:从女儿养老看中国家庭制度变迁.《二十一世纪》.
客座主编,2014~2015,Journal of Marriage and Family
客座主编,2017,Chinese Sociological Review
编委会成员,2020~,Social Science and Research;
编委会成员,2020~,Oxford Development Studies
American Sociological Review; Social Forces; Journal of Marriage and Family; Journal of Family Issues; Sex Roles; Social Science and Research; Population Research and Policy Review; Sociological Quarterly; Journal of Interpersonal Violence; Asian Women; Asian Population Studies; Chinese Sociological Review, Chinese Journal of Sociology; China Review; and China Information.
2015-2020,国家社科基金重点项目(15AZD080),低生育背景下二胎生育、性别平等和老龄化之间的张力: 以长三角地区为例