2015.6香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系 哲学博士
1.Gao, S., Assink, M., Liu, T., Chan, K.L., & Ip, P. (2021). Associations between rejection sensitivity, aggression, and victimization: A meta-analytic review.Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,22(1), 125-135. (SSCI一区,影响因子10.570)(被引频次:Web of Science: 7; Google Scholar: 30)
2.Gao, S., Assink, M., Cipriani, A., & Lin, K. (2017). Associations between rejection sensitivity and mental health outcomes: A meta-analytic review.Clinical Psychology Review, 57, 59-74. (SSCI一区, 影响因子12.792)(被引频次:Web of Science: 66; Google Scholar: 116)
3.Gao, S. L., & Chan, K. L. (2015). Future orientation and school bullying among adolescents in rural China: The mediating role of school bonding.Sage Open,5(1), 1-9. (SSCI三区,影响因子1.356)(被引频次:Web of Science: 15; Google Scholar: 21)
4. Meng, X.,Gao, S., Liu, W., Zhang, L., Suo, T., & Li, H. (2019). The Childhood Maltreatment Modulates the Impact of Negative Emotional Stimuli on Conflict Resolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00845(SSCI二区,影响因子2.990)
5.Gao, S. L.,& Xue, J. (2015). Future orientation and school bonding among left-behind children in mainland China. In K. L. Chan (Ed.),Chinese migration and families at risk(pp. 80-107). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd.
6.Duan, C. R.,Gao, S. L.,& Zhu, Y. H. (2015). The phenomenon of internal migration in China. In K. L. Chan (Ed.),Chinese migration and families at risk(pp. 14-37). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd.
2.陈世民,李宗波,高树玲. (2019). 员工累积风险与抑郁的关系:问题解决策略的调节作用.中国临床心理学杂志. 27(4):750-753.(通讯作者).
5.吴宝沛,高树玲.道德虚伪:一种机会主义的适应策略.(2012).心理科学进展. 20(6): 926-934.
8.曹建英,高树玲,王艳祯. (2013).家庭结构与人格.张进辅等著.家庭与人格(第99-136页).合肥: 安徽教育出版社. ISBN:9787533657468.
1.Rao, N.,Gao, S. L., Sun, J., Ip, P., & Bacon-Shone, J. "Early Child Development Scale in-depth Analysis". Funded by UNICEF. Starting data: October 3, 2015.(参与)
2.高树玲.留守儿童多重创伤经历、拒绝敏感性和精神健康实证研究.教育部青年基金项目. 2020-2022年.(主持)
1.高树玲. (2021). 留守儿童欺凌侵害与抑郁的关系:绝望的中介作用和坚毅的调节作用. 上海大学社会学院第一届学术节.上海大学社会学院主办。上海,中国,2021年12月11日-12日。
2.高树玲. (2021). 留守儿童欺凌侵害与抑郁的关系:绝望的中介作用和坚毅的调节作用. 中国社会学会社会福利专委会2021年会暨“新时代中国福利制度的新目标和新挑战”学术论坛。中国社会学会社会福利研究专业委员会主办, 华东师范大学社会发展学院承办。上海,中国,2021年12月11日-12日。
3.高树玲. (2019).校园欺凌的保护因素."儿童福祉与成长支持:抗逆力理论与实务研讨会". 上海大学社会学院主办。上海,中国,2019年5月19日-20日。
4.高树玲.(2018).拒绝敏感性和攻击、侵害之间的关系:一项元分析研究.第九届城市社会论坛国际会议"新时代都市社会工作与社会政策的挑战与机遇",华东师范大学社会发展学院主办。上海, 中国, 2018年11月3-4日。
5.Gao, S.L., Assink, M., Cipriani, A., & Lin, K. (2017). Associations between rejection sensitivity and mental health outcomes: A meta-analytic review, paper presented at the International Conference on "Global Challenges Facing Social Welfare Policy, Education, Research and Practice", organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, June 21-22, 2017.
6.Gao, S.L.(2017). Three-level meta-analytical model in R: Take "Associations between rejection sensitivity and mental health outcomes: A meta-analytic review" as an example, presented at the Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Huiai Hospital, Guangzhou, China, June 12, 2017.
7.Gao, S. L.(2015). Relations among Future Orientation, School Bonding, and School Bullying in Adolescents in Rural China: A moderated mediation model, paper presented at the 15th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference 2015, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, June6, 2015.
8.Gao, S. L.(2014). Future Orientation and School Bullying among Left-behind Children in Rural China: The Mediating Role of School Bonding, paper presented at the International Postgraduate Research Conference and Summer School (IPRCSS) 2014, organized by the Graduate School, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China, July 4-5, 2014.
9.Gao, S. L.(2014). Relations among Future Orientation, School Bonding, and School Bullying Perpetration in Adolescents in Rural China, paper presented at the 14th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference 2014, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, May 31, 2014.
10.Gao, S. L.(2014). Association between School Connectedness and Depression among Left-behind Children in Rural China, paper presented in the SSWR 18th Annual Conference on Research for Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges, organized by Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, USA, January 15-19, 2014.
School Psychology International
Violence and Victims
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