5月5日-7日,第十三届“经济与社会研究”学术年会暨中法“青年与全球化”工作坊顺利举办。本次会议由上海大学经济社会学与跨国企业研究中心主办,International Advanced Laboratory CNRS-Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon /CASS Post-Western Sociology in China and in Europe Triangle、Youth and Globalization Editorial Board、《经济社会学研究》编委会、中国社会学会经济社会学专业委员会联合举办。在两场分别以“经济与社会研究”和“青年与全球化”为主题的专题会议中,40余位与会学者进行了热烈深入的分享与交流。


5月6日,来自中法两国的学者们相聚于上海大学社会学院,共同开启2024中法“青年与全球化”工作坊。巴黎西岱大学(Université Paris Cité) Vincenzo Cicchelli副教授、马克斯·韦伯中心Sylvie Octobre研究员、法国鲁昂大学李永博士、中国社会科学院何蓉研究员、华东师范大学赵晔琴教授、上海大学计迎春教授与中心主任刘玉照教授、联合主任严俊副教授等20余位学者共同参会。
工作坊开幕式由严俊副教授主持,刘玉照教授代表IESM对参会师生同仁表示欢迎,他回顾了多年来协助北京大学刘世定教授与罗兰教授(Prof. Laurence Roulleau-Berger)共同举办中法经济社会学研究系列论坛;协助李友梅教授,与中国社会科学院李培林教授、罗兰教授参与中国社科院与法国国家科研中心联合建立的“中法后西方社会学与田野研究实验室”,并与罗兰教授在法国和中国联合进行田野调查和合作研究的经历。刘玉照教授指出,在罗兰教授的推动下,中法学界在合作交往中缔结了良好关系,取得了丰硕成果,但是很遗憾,罗兰教授因为健康原因不能与会,衷心祝愿罗兰教授早日康复。在发言中,刘玉照教授也对长期关心和促进中法学术交流,他与罗兰教授共同的好朋友,同济大学朱伟珏教授的不幸逝世表示哀悼。
随后,Vincenzo Cicchelli副教授和Sylvie Octobre研究员对上海大学及IESM作为会议举办方表示感谢,并宣读了罗兰教授对本次工作坊的书面致辞。罗兰教授表示:祝贺本次“青年与全球化”工作坊开幕。自2006年以来,在“中法后西方社会学与田野研究实验室”框架内,我与上海大学社会学系、北京大学社会学系、南京大学社会学系、中国社科学院社会学研究所建立了良好的科研合作关系。本次工作坊是疫情后的一项重要活动,希望这将在中法社会学重新开启一个崭新的合作时期。本次工作坊选择“青年与全球化”这一主题,也是对《中国青年社会学》(Sociology of Chinese Youth)特刊出版的重要纪念。作为罗兰教授的长期合作者,李永博士也表示,期待本次会议能积极促进中法间学术交流。
Vincenzo Cicchelli与Sylvie Octobre两位学者探讨了法国年轻歌迷对K-pop 的接受情况,展现K-pop为他们带来的世界主义情感以及这些情感的作用;华东师范大学赵晔琴教授从制度-行动视角解读了青年海归教师的意义建构与行动策略;中国社科院周安安博士以bilibili用户为分析对象,分析了当代中国青年全球观念的建构;IESM博士研究生沙力塔娜提分析了哈萨克斯坦中资企业中的‘中哈人’的“桥梁”作用。
中国社科院何蓉教授和博士生周忠贤从“断亲”和“搭子”现象出发,分析了当代中国青年的生活方式与社会联系;ECNU/ENS de Lyon李润同学讲述了在全球化的资本主义时代年轻人的不稳定性生活体验和主体性策略;ECNU/ENS de Lyon刘雨婷同学探讨了跨国博主如何在中国的平台经济中将情感与商业结合起来。
IESM博士生郭先举聚焦全球化下非洲的中国青年企业家群体探讨他们进入非洲的原因、应对困难的策略,以及逐渐形成的新生活方式和自我意识;University of Rouen李永博士分析了疫情期间中国移民及其后裔群体对法国社会种族歧视日益增长的认识和行动;ECNU/ENS de Lyon李萌同学分析了中国社会中前城市居民“回归土地”的迁移现象;ENS de Lyon博士生Shin Jinwoo分析了在法国和韩国社会中的流亡难民们如何融入东道国的劳动力市场。
清华大学沈瑶博士考察了1900年前后德国青年运动,发掘了蕴藏在青年运动中的生命体验与自我修养面向;University of Lyon II/Renmin University博士生Pierre Manoury解读了法国青年活动家在自组织系统和再生文化框架内的生态运动;上海大学于杨瀚博士从新家庭主义视角分析了中国211/985高校研究生在就业时面临的“离乡与不离乡”抉择。
会议议题也引发了参会学者们的热烈讨论,大家就中法文化对比、当代青年与家庭关系等议题坦诚深入地交换了意见,增进了彼此理解。Vincenzo Cicchelli和Sylvie Octobre还向中方学者介绍了Global Youth Studies项目和杂志,双方都表示愿意在未来继续深化研究合作。

The 13th Seminar of Economic and Social Research On Youth and Globalization was successfully held!
The 13th Seminar of Economic and Social Research On Youth and Globalization was successfully held on May 5-7, 2024. The conference was hosted by the Institute of Economic Sociology and Multinationals (IESM) in Shanghai University, and jointly organized International Advanced Laboratory CNRS-Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon /CASS Post-Western Sociology in China and in Europe Triangle, Youth and Globalization. Europe Triangle, Youth and Globalization Editorial Board, Editorial Board of Research in Economic Sociology and Economic Sociology Committee of the Chinese Sociological Association. More than 40 scholars actively shared and exchanged ideas in the "Economic and Social Research" and "Youth and Globalization" special conferences.
I. 13th Annual Conference on Economic and Social Studies
On May 5, the 13th Annual Conference on "Economic and Social Studies" was opened. Prof. Liu Yuzao of the IESM, Prof. Wang Shuixiong of the Economic Sociology Committee of the Chinese Sociological Association, Associate Prof. Yu Changjiang of the Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, and Prof. Liu Shiding of the Department of Sociology of Peking University delivered opening speeches respectively. Prof. Liu Yuzhao welcomed all the guests and expressed his pleasure in organizing this annual conference at Shanghai University and looked forward to the fresh and active exchanges of ideas that the participants would gain at the conference. Prof. Wang Shuixiong said he was looking forward to the academic feast at Shanghai University and hoped that more people could participate in the research of China and world economic sociology. Prof. Liu Shiding and Associate Prof. Yu Changjiang pointed out in their speeches that many distinctive and dynamic academic forces are accumulating and emerging in the field of economic sociology, so the future is promising.
The conference report is divided into four units, the first unit was moderated by Associate Professor Yan Jun, Co-Director of the IESM, and Professor Liu Shiding gave a keynote speech with the title of "The Double Game of Interests and Norms in Bottom-Line Search under Incomplete Contracts - A Thought on the Relationship between Multinational Enterprises and cross-cultural Environments". Prof. Liu Shiding pointed out that from the cases of overseas multinational enterprises surveyed by the IESM, it can be found that enterprises going abroad from China usually believe that the initial multinational contracts have already existed, but these initial contracts are in fact incomplete, and those contracts will face the test of "ex post adjustments". The participants in the contracts are actually in the pursuit of maximizing their own utility, and they are actually interacting with each other in the pursuit of utility maximization and bottom-line exploration.
The second unit was moderated by Associate Prof. Zhang Shuqin from Central University of Finance and Economics. Prof. Zhang Xiang from Zhejiang University shared a quantitative method to measure the strength of the mutual aid function of the housing provident fund system; Dr. Wuniriqiqige from Inner Mongolia Normal University analyzed the action dilemma of the family ranch by using the theory of property rights incentives; Li Xiang from Shanghai University analyzed and decoded the social mechanism that generates investor's confidence in the financial fraud; and Zhong Ruixue from the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences cut into the topic of the digital society and examined the relationship between digital technology corporations and national governance.
The third unit was moderated by Associate Researcher Xiang Jinglin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Wang Qingming of Nankai University analyzed the contracting mechanism between digital platforms and users from the perspective of "access rights"; Han Jixiang of Huazhong Normal University discussed the significance of entrepreneurs' active realization of value for enterprises to overcome the dilemma of legitimacy in development; Yuan Bo from Central University of Finance and Economics shared the impact of emotional economic activities in the era of "it" economy on the construction and influence of anthropomorphic identity of pets as well as the intimate relationship between pets and human beings; Hu Huang, a graduate student from the School of Sociology and IESM of Shanghai University, analyzed the multiple shifts of the hiring mode of a Chinese pharmaceutical company in the sales of artemisinin drugs in Africa, revealing the complex relationship between cross-cultural ethnicity and human resources.
The last unit was moderated by Prof. Cao Zhenghan of Zhejiang University. In the study "Big Blood Transfusion and Small Injections: How Fraudulent Lending, Capital Flight, and Corporate Ecology Distort Macrofinancial Policies", Prof. Wang ShuiXiong and Mr. KuangManJing jointly focused on the effectiveness and distortion of financial policies; Associate Prof. Ai Yun of Central University of Finance and Economics explored the organizational and operational mechanisms in the process of generating, transferring and resolving the financial risks of local municipal investment bonds in her report; Dr. Fang Ke of Zhejiang University analyzes the process of realizing the growth of information in the digital society, and the role and limitations of digital technology in the governance of public affairs; Ding Liangqi from Central University of Finance and Economics explained the transformation of creative and service oriented industries and labor relations under platform intervention.
The participating scholars had an intensely discussion on the empirical phenomena and theoretical reflections shown in the report. During the conference, IESM also held an appointment ceremony for IESM part-time researchers, and awarded part-time researcher certificates to Prof. He Rong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Wang Shuixiong of Renmin University of China, Prof. Li Guowu of the Central University of Finance and Economics, Prof. Wang Qingming of Nankai University, Dr. Wang Yuanteng of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Dr. Su Liang of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology.
II. Sino-French workshop on "Youth and globalization"
On May 6, scholars from China and France met at the School of Sociology and Political Science Shanghai University to start the 2024 Sino-French Workshop on "Youth and Globalization". More than 20 scholars were participated in this workshop, including Associate Professor Vincenzo Cicchelli from Université Paris Cité/IRD , Fellow Sylvie Octobre from Max Weber Center (ENS lyon and Université Lyon II), Dr. Li Yong from Université de Rouen, Researcher He Rong from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Zhao Yeqin from East China Normal University, Prof. Ji Yingchun from Shanghai University, and Prof. Liu Yuzao(Director of the IESM), Assoc.Prof. Yan Jun(Co-Director of the IESM) and other scholars.
The opening ceremony of the workshop was presided over by Assoc.Prof. Yan Jun,and Prof Liu Yuzhao, on behalf of IESM, welcomed the attending teachers and students. Prof. Liu Yuzhao reviewed his years of assisting Prof. Liu Shiding of Peking University and Prof. Laurence Roulleau Berger in jointly organizing the Sino-French Forum on Economic and Sociological Studies, assisting Professor Li Youmei, Prof. Li Peilin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Prof. Laurence in participating in the “Sino-French Laboratory of Post-Western Sociology and Field Research”, as well as the experience of conducting field surveys and collaborative research in France and China with Prof. Laurence. Prof. Liu Yuzhao pointed out that under the promotion of Prof. Laurence, the Sino and French academic community has established a good relationship and achieved fruitful results in cooperation and exchanges. However, unfortunately, Prof.Laurence cannot attend this workshop due to health reasons. Professor Liu Yuzhao sincerely wished Prof. Laurence a speedy recovery. In his speech, Prof. Liu Yuzhao also expressed his condolences for the unfortunate passing of Prof. Zhu Weijue of Tongji University, a good friend of his and Prof. Laurence's. Prof. Zhu had long been concerned about and promoted academic exchanges between China and France.
Afterwards, Assoc.Prof. Vincenzo Cicchelli and Dr. Sylvie Octobre expressed their gratitude to Shanghai University and IESM for being the organizers of the conference, and read out Prof. Laurence's written message for this workshop. Prof. Laurence congratulated the opening of the workshop on "Youth and Globalization": "Since 2006, within the framework of the ‘Sino-French Laboratory of Sociology and Field Research in the Post-Western World’, I have established good scientific cooperation with the Department of Sociology of Shanghai University, the Department of Sociology of Peking University, the Department of Sociology of Nanjing University, and the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). This workshop is an important activity after the Covid-19 epidemic, and I hope that it will reopen a new period of cooperation between Chinese and French sociology academic epidemic. The choice of the theme ‘Youth and Globalization’ is also an important commemoration of the publication of a special issue of Sociology of Chinese Youth". Then, As a long-time collaborator of Prof. Laurence, Dr. Li Yong also expressed his expectation that this conference will actively promote academic exchanges between China and France.
On the morning of the 6th-7th, the participating scholars reported and discussed topics such as youth and world politics, young people's gender and emotions, youth and compressed modernity, youth mobility and international migration, youth's individual experience and collective action, and youth's work and culture.
Assoc.Prof. Vincenzo Cicchelli and Dr. Sylvie Octobre explored the acceptance of K-pop by young French fans, showing the cosmopolitan emotions that K-pop brings to them and the role of these emotions; Prof. Zhao Yeqin of East China Normal University interpreted the meaning construction and action strategies of young returnee teachers from the perspective of system-action; Dr. Zhou An'an of CASS analyzed the construction of global concepts among contemporary Chinese youth; Dr. Shalitanati, a PhD student at IESM, analyzed role of 'Chinese-Kazakhis' in Chinese enterprises in Kazakhstan as a 'bridge'.
Prof. Ji Yingchun of Shanghai University looked at modern arranged marriages of Chinese youth and mosaic familism in Shanghai, exploring how youth and their parents are involved in the process of marriage contraction; Zheng Yuanzhi 's report showed the confrontation and solidarity between women of different gender identities in Shanghai's ballroom community; Prof. Zhang Dan of East China Normal University focused on the spatial and social integration policies for urban and social integration of Shanghai's migrant children from the perspective of education inequality and practice; Dr. Su Liang of Hangzhou Dianzi University presented a a case study about the migration and relocation of second-generation domestic migrants in China as a case study, discusses the changes of family relations and boundaries in the process of migration.
Prof. He Rong and PhD student Zhou Zhongxian of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) analyzed the lifestyles and social connections of contemporary Chinese youth in light of the phenomena of "broken relatives" and "Dazi". ECNU/ENS de Lyon student Li Run talked about young people's precarious life experiences and strategies of subjectivity in the era of globalized capitalism; ECNU/ENS de Lyon student Liu Yuting explored how transnational bloggers can combine emotion and business in China's platform economy.
IESM PhD student Guo Xianju focused on a group of young Chinese entrepreneurs in Africa under globalization, exploring their reasons for entering Africa, their strategies for coping with difficulties, and their emerging new lifestyles and sense of self; University of Rouen's Dr. Li Yong analyzed the growing awareness and actions of Chinese immigrants and their descendants against racial discrimination in French society during the epidemic; ECNU/ ENS de Lyon student Li Meng analyzed the phenomenon of migration of former urban residents "back to the land" in Chinese society; and ENS de Lyon PhD student Shin Jinwoo analyzed the integration of exiled refugees in French and Korean societies into the labor markets of the host countries.
Dr. Shen Yao from Tsinghua University examined the German youth movement around 1900 and discovered the life experience and self-cultivation oriented in the youth movement; Pierre Manoury,(PhD student from University of Lyon II/Renmin University) interpreted the ecological movement of the French youth activists in the framework of self-organization system and regenerative culture; Dr. Yu Yanghan from Shanghai University analyzed the choice of "Leaving home or not leaving home" faced by postgraduate students of 211/985 universities in China from the perspective of new familism.
Zhang Rongrong (PhD student from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)analyzed the phenomenon of creative understanding of Buddhist culture among Chinese youth in contemporary China and interpreted the lifestyles, values and emotional patterns of Chinese youth in this regard; Zhang Haijing(PhD student from the IESM)analyzed the overseas working experiences of Chinese migrant workers employed by Chinese state-owned enterprises under the "Belt and Road" Initiative; IESM PhD student Ma Xiaojun analyzed the organizational practices of Chinese truck drivers based on online communities.
The topic of the conference triggered a lively discussion among the scholars, who exchanged views on the cultural differences between China and France, and the relationship between contemporary youth and family, etc. Through communication and discussion, scholars have enhanced mutual understanding. Associate Professor Vincenzo Cicchelli and Dr. Sylvie Octobre also introduced the Global Youth Studies program and journal to the Chinese scholars, and both sides agreed to continue to deepen research cooperation in the future.

Institute of Economic Sociology and Multinationals(IESM)of Shanghai University was founded on July 5th 2019,which was sponsored by Dr. Wang Yan, chairman of the Four Dimension-Johnson Industry Co.,Ltd. and jointly prepared by Professor Liu Shiding of Peking University. IESM is planning to generate a series of high-level investigation reports and theoretical research results in the next 3-5 years. the center will be built into the most influential institutional platform in the field of economic sociology and overseas development research of Chinese enterprises.
Add:Room 351, School of Sociology and Political Science,
Shanghai University, No.333 Nanchen Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai.